Persuading, Influencing & Negotiating

"Persuasion is often more effective than force."


Persuading, Influencing and Negotiating are vital tools used within a business environment in order to bring customers, management and team members around to your way of thinking.For example this may be beneficial to use within retail, promotional, sales roles and amongst colleagues.

Persuading involves being able to convince others to take appropriate action.

Negotiating involves being able to discuss and reach a mutually satisfactory agreement. 

Influencing encompasses both of these. (Kent University)

It is important to develop and fine tune these skills in order to compete and progress in a competitive business environment.

Situational example, persuading – Whilst taking part in a job interview you are actively persuading the employer as to why you are the ideal candidate for the role.

Situational example influencing – Whilst completing your degree you will have subconsciously influenced your lectures and colleagues through your academic writing and achievements in the form of essays and presentations when discussing your view points.

Situational example negotiating – This will be a skill that you will use when taking on a new job role, as a part of your employment you will be subject to the terms and conditions of a contract. Often these contracts can be negotiable. For example hourly rate of pay, salary and benefits etc.